HelloWoofy.com vs. Recurpost


Comparing the power of HelloWoofy.com with other platforms in the industry such as RecurPost (Woofy is a great alternative to Recurpost). Please have a look at the comparison chart of features and benefits of a data science driven marketing platform versus platforms that aren’t driven by data, artificial intelligence or machine learning. We will let you decide which platform should be considered the tool of choice for modern tech savvy marketers.



Social Media Management DashboardYesYes
Mobile AppYesYes
Marketing AutomationYesYes
Social Media Platforms Supported: Facebook, Linked In, Instagram and TwitterYesYes
Stop Switch (to Stop Posting Across the Platform in Emergencies)YesNo
AI Driven Autocomplete of Social PostsYesNo
AI Analysis of Library Content for Smart RecommendationsYesNo
Twitter Terms of Service Inspired Compliance Engine (Detecting Similarities of Text and Assist to Alter)YesNo
Visual Search Engine for Finding Best Engaging Emojis, Hashtags, Words and Images (ie Woofy.ai)YesNo
Discover Section with Worldwide Content PublicationsYesNo
Voice Assist (Create Campaigns Using Voice, Navigate Platform etc.)YesNo
Colorblind Creative SupportYesNo
Smart Recommendations for Emojis, Hashtags and Copyright Free ImagesYesNo
Hashtag Playlists (Based on What’s Trending and Your Own Lists of Hashtags)YesNo
Create Graphics Using Stock Assets or Your OwnYesNo
Import RSS Feeds into LibraryYesNo
Auto Generate Quotes from Articles Using AI / NLP (Simply Input a URL)YesNo
Social Media Accounts2520
Pricing (Yearly Plan):$41.65/m$50/m

*Email arjun@hellowoofy.com for discount code along with a short description about your awesome business